Dean Humaid Saif
May his soul rest in peace. A great, Virtuous man that maintained his prestige forever.
That prestige which was mixed with humbleness and the way he speaks.

born in Al Heira, Sharjah, 1945.
Dean Humaid Saif
He started his studies in al Qasimi and then he moved to Industrial School, in 1964 he graduated from Um Darman industrial school in Republic of Sudan. He earned his diploma, majoring in Mechanics. After receiving his training in his practice in the rover company in England, and after that he receives another training. He graduated from South Hamilton University, England.
On September 1st, 1969, Humaid Saif started his career in the Ministry of Education to manage the Industrial School in Dubai.

- 1973
- 1973
He then moved into a new direction and entered the most exciting stages of his life that opened a new horizon in the newly born convoy, it was the police, elected by His Highness Saqir Bin Mohamed al Qasimi, Chief of all authorities `{`police`}` national security and national guards.
The Sheikh was Abdullah Alsari Police Chief’s manager and at that stage the police strategy was blending the next generations of families to be part of the police as the police was depending on recruiting highly educated human resources to ensure a strong and healthy foundation to the security department. Humaid Saif’s vision was ahead of his time and respectively, followed by his beloved ones and some of his friends.
On 20th August 1973 he joined the Police to become Lieutenant No. 1044, since then he was focused on what he loved which turned to become this passion through his entire life. His first steps of the academy to convert him from a civilian into a policeman in Al Qasimiya National Guard Base where he was chosen to be one of the 6 lieutenants chosen for this position.

In 1980 he received one the most important training: Senior leadership course which improved his ability as a leader and how to deal with consequences according to the situation.
He was honored to take the historical part of merging Sharjah Police with the Ministry of Interior, according to his effort of that merge, he was promoted to rand as Lieutenant colonel. Ended his journey when he passed away on November 18, 1990 as a police chief, leavin
Salem Humaid - Founder and Chairman
The inspiration was handled over to his son Salem who maintained the momentum and the development of his great father Dean Humaid Saif

Humaid Saif
In 1996 Тhe chairman started exploring China and built his deep and strong relations with China and became one of the first businessmen to bring Chinese business to the United Arab Emirates that opened many opportunities in business between both countries.
Salem Humaid had a historical chance to write in Arabic language in Chinese Newspaper for the first time in history

In 2000 he founded Equity International General trading which was the transformation to a new career with multiple businesses and partnerships.

The Chairman started with a mining business in the UAE and other regions which works based on the latest technologies and machinery up today.

Salem Humaid explored the opportunities in eastern Europe, and started with great achievements the company today is expanding partnerships in the region.Since then the company is actively building business bridges between different regions and continues to grow its success internationally.